Background Check Archives - School Construction News Design - Construction - Operations Mon, 30 Nov -001 00:00:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Progress Report: Hall Draws on International Principles PORTLAND, Ore. — There are many similarities between building designs overseas and building in the United States, according to Nels Hall, a design principal at Yost Grube Hall Architecture, with 38 years of experience in the U.S.

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PORTLAND, Ore. — There are many similarities between building designs overseas and building in the United States, according to Nels Hall, a design principal at Yost Grube Hall Architecture, with 38 years of experience in the U.S. and abroad.
Designing in response to climatic factors and working cross-culturally are two of the biggest factors Hall sees as universal to any project he designs.
“You go in assuming you may know a place in terms of technical things, but you really have to prepare to absorb different value systems, different priorities and work with people in a productive way, rather than just shipping overseas what we would do in Portland,” he says.
The same applies to any project in the Northwest region where Yost Grube Hall focuses, Hall said.
A third of the firm’s work — about 35 percent on any given year — comes from overseas, ranging from work with organizations like the United States Agency for International Development to state projects in the developing world, he said.
The international work is what has kept Hall at Yost Grube Hall for 35 years.
Whether it’s working in Oregon or abroad, Hall said the design process includes factors like employing local materials and knowing the limited capabilities of technology, using and controlling day lighting, natural ventilation and the use of mechanical systems for cooling.
Hall received his Bachelor of Arts degree in architecture from U.C. Berkeley, where he spent his last two years studying the concept of systems building under his mentor, Richard Bender.
It was under Bender that Hall developed a deep interest in the integration of technology with design – a very important consideration for him, he said.
Another area of architecture Hall studied at Berkeley was Pattern Language — a concept pioneered by the university’s graduate professor and emeritus professor of architecture Christopher Alexander. Pattern language is a way of planning structures by looking at the requirements for similar buildings in the past, Hall said. 
It was this technique that Hall and his team employed in designing the University of Oregon’s journalism and communication school, Allen Hall.
Though not designated in the national registrar of historic places, Allen Hall is an older building, like many of the buildings on the school’s campus.
Hall and his team have been working with the campus planning department to tie in the original 1925 building to a bigger, more modern addition built in 1948 and a smaller addition built in 1990.
“(We thought), ‘How can we tie this whole project together, to respect the two significant buildings that are there and create a unified interior with a central space?,’” Hall said of the planning process. “It’s interesting working with the school of journalism because they’re on the cutting edge of technology with communications publications,” he said.
Tim Gleason, Dean of the School of Journalism and Communications, said that due to the building being from different generations, the addition had to be carefully placed in a very constrained area.
“That took a great deal of creativity and pretty innovative thinking,” he said.
The school also wanted to create a collaborative and interactive space, including spaces for technology.
“Journalism and communications is a very digital environment, so they’re having to design spaces that will be full of computers, or whatever the computing devices that will be used going forward,” Gleason said. 
To integrate the digital environment, Allen Hall will feature a digital commons.
“We’re taking one floor of one wing of the building and opening it up so it’s very collaborative, flexible, open space,” he said. “Whether it’s a newsroom or ad agency or public relations firm, that it really replicates the working environment,” he said.
Yost Grube Hall landed the Allen Hall contract through a competitive process, the dean said.
“We were looking for firms that were going to be innovative, but at the same time, build space that would respect the two older buildings,” Gleason said. “We were taken with their work.”
The firm worked to tie the buildings together by creating a family of entrances, that would also encourage interaction, he said.
A similar project at Boise State University involved tying the Norco Student Health Wellness and Counseling Center and School of Nursing into the central walking student core, next to the school’s recreation center and across from the student union.
“How we tie them together to a high activity student service focus is a major challenge,” he said.
Often, Halls works in what he calls a workshop process — highly interactive work sessions with user groups.
“That’s something in planning — it’s an educational process, working with educators and learning at the same time,” he said. “The best way to learn is to look at the best examples of similar facilities, so we looked at the good and bad things with the school of journalism. We looked at, what are the newest best schools nationally, what from those schools can we learn about incorporating technology?”
The school’s design also needed to encourage informal interaction to create a sense of community.
“That sort of discovery phase is actually very productive and one of the things that makes working in higher education the most fun — working with bright committed people.”
Though the firm can boast of many awards in terms of green building, Halls said it is now a basic foundation of building rather than something that totally distinguishes a firm from others.
“It’s almost impossible to find a request for a proposal that doesn’t want to know your background, your approach and your success in other projects creating sustainability,” he said.
The firm achieved the first LEED Gold building for the State of Oregon, the first for the Oregon University system and the first for the California University System, among others.
“The biggest (challenge) was coming up with a way to do a very analytic process where we defined (sustainable) alternatives,” he said. “We rigorously analyzed life cycles, long term replacements, functionality and the aesthetics — it’s a pretty thorough process.”
Their analysis resulted in a set of sustainability criteria, with different standards for different types of projects that followed LEED guidelines as well.
Halls also said that in terms of energy reduction, it is possible to achieve LEED Silver or Gold without a building excelling in energy conservation.
When working on the first LEED Gold graduate lab at Oregon State University’s Kelley Engineering Center, the firm got down to 42 percent below the state code energy level.
Abroad, Hall has worked in Spain, where he lived as a child, Switzerland, England and Zurich.
“The work has been pretty interesting, kind of a nice mix of working overseas. That’s what’s kept me here forever,” Halls said. “We’re still, knock on wood, keeping that blend of overseas and the Northwest.”

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Progress Report: Ronald Stephens VITAL STATS
Name: Ronald D. Stephens
Executive Director of the National School Safety Center
Years in the Education Field:
Previous Posts:
Chief Operating Officer for Columbia Christian Schools, Chief Business Officer and Vice President of Administration at Pepperdine University

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Name: Ronald D. Stephens
Executive Director of the National School Safety Center
Years in the Education Field:
Previous Posts:
Chief Operating Officer for Columbia Christian Schools, Chief Business Officer and Vice President of Administration at Pepperdine University
Named to Marquis Who’s Who in American Education, Marquis Who’s Who in the West, Marquis Who’s Who in California and Marquis Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. Recipient of the American Spirit Honor Medal. Testified on school safety matters before the United States House of Representatives and U.S. Senate committees.

Among the accolades that he has received for keeping schools safe, Ronald Stephens has been described as “the nation’s leading school crime prevention expert” by the Denver Post newspaper.

Since 1984, Stephens has served as Executive Director of the National School Safety Center, an advocacy group for school safety worldwide that was established that year by President Ronald Reagan. Prior to the appointment he had served as vice president of administration at Pepperdine University in Malibu, Calif.

“At the time the center was started, the field of school safety was relatively new,” says Stephens. “In 1984, the state of California had just passed Article 1, Section 28C [of the state constitution], which basically said that all students, staff and faculty have the inalienable right to attend schools that are safe, secure and peaceful.”

Stephens says that Article 1, Section 28C, put school safety measures on the educational map not only California, but across the United States. The concept of school safety soon began to spread, encouraged by a number of high-profile incidents of campus violence in the 1980s and 90s, most notably the massacre at Columbine High School in 1999.

“Columbine was America’s wake-up call – it was, so to speak, the public schools’ 9/11,” Stephens says.

After Columbine, schools nationwide began looking at school safety issues more and more, Stephens says. K-12 and higher education institutions increased their interagency agreements with local law enforcement, and more schools began adding metal detectors and closed circuit television systems to their infrastructures. Greater emphasis was placed on developing threat assessment protocols, allowing educators, mental health professionals and law enforcement to better react to campus threats and violence.

“As tragic as it is, often times it does take a school crisis or tragedy to get school officials to become more serious about putting their plans together,” he says.

Since taking the reins at NSSC, Stephens has facilitated the growth of security systems and programs at schools across the U.S. Originally a federally funded entity, NSSC is now a nonprofit that conducts fee-based services ranging from school site safety assessments to customized school safety and training programs.

Other focuses of the organization include providing expert witness and trial consultant services, and producing publications that report on research and trends in school safety best practices in campus security.

The NSSC works with approximately 80 school districts and organizations per year, providing assessments and training, Stephens says.

“Over the past 25 years, we have conducted more than 2,000 training programs nationwide,” he says. “We were asked by the U.S. Department of Justice to develop the federal training program for 10,000 federally funded school police officers. We created the curriculum and developed the training program, and provided that training throughout the United States to both educators and school resource officers.”

Stephens’ journey from educator to school safety expert began on a traditional path that was soon disrupted by the Vietnam War. Earning both his undergraduate and graduate degrees from Pepperdine, Stephens was in the midst of his first teaching contract when he was drafted into the United States Army. He rose to the rank of sergeant and served at Fort Hood, Texas, and in Vietnam.  Stephens later returned to the West Coast, where he eventually worked as a teacher, assistant superintendent and school board member. He received his doctorate from the University of Southern California.

During his career, Stephens says that he has worked with legislators and educators at almost every level on school safety reform, including testifying before the House of Representatives’ Judiciary Committee, the House Committee on Education and Civil Rights, and other House and Senate committees. Much of the educational materials and training programs that NSSC develops is based upon the personal experiences of school security officers, administrators, and teachers.

“What we have done since the beginning of our operation has been to suggest model policies and practices that will enhance safe schools,” Stephens says. “We have always had a bias towards what works. We want to find out the common practices that help school administrators to be more effective in their work.”

Stephens added that over the years, the NSSC has held post-crisis meetings with educators and administrators after violent encounters to determine what changed within their schools systems following the situations. These meetings have produced valuable lesson plans, he says.
While policy remains an important facet to reducing school security threats, another factor is the school’s design, Stephens says. Most schools were not designed to be defended against, while others actually encourage campus crime through architectural barriers or areas that are difficult to supervise.

“If you were designing a facility where you wanted to control visitor traffic, you would want to minimize pedestrian and vehicular entrance and exit points,” Stephens says. “You visit some of these high schools and they have over 100 different points of ingress and egress and it’s an enormous task to try and control all that.”

Though the use of surveillance cameras and other technologies have become more prevalent in school security, it’s the changing attitudes of students – and the utilization of a strong supervision plan – that remain two of the greatest factors in school safety, he says.

“An interesting study came out of the University of Michigan almost ten years ago that basically said despite all the high-tech strategies that address school crime prevention, the single most effective strategy for keeping schools safe is the physical presence of a responsible adult in the immediate vicinity,” Stephens say.

“Since Columbine, there has often been this idea that if we just use more high-tech strategies we can prevent crime,” he adds. “All we know is that the high-tech strategies can be helpful in crime prevention, but it is still about how you address and change the attitudes and actions of young people.”

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Alex Belkofer PCS Project and Construction Services Inc., a construction management firm headquartered in Cleveland, hired Alex Belkofer for its construction management staff. Belkofer graduated from Ohio State University in 2009 with a dual degree in architecture and construction systems management.

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PCS Project and Construction Services Inc., a construction management firm headquartered in Cleveland, hired Alex Belkofer for its construction management staff. Belkofer graduated from Ohio State University in 2009 with a dual degree in architecture and construction systems management.

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