Eco-Friendly Upgrade to Boost Yale Sciences Building
By Eric Althoff
NEW HAVEN, Conn.—General contracting firm Turner will be upgrading and expanding Yale University’s Physical Sciences and Engineering Building such that it achieves net-zero emissions. Turner is currently undertaking preconstruction services at the Ivy League school for the $365 million project.
Work on the redesign of the sciences facility will entail a 253,000-square-foot research lab, 48,000-square-foot addition to Wright Laboratory and a new parking garage. The space will be home to classrooms, research laboratories, a career center, seminar rooms and “chemical safety facility.”
Several existing buildings will be demolished as part of the redesign. Those to be removed include an existing parking garage, laboratory and other facilities. Additionally, soils will be remediated and utilities relocated below ground.
According to a recent release by Turner, the Yale work is in line with the general contractor’s efforts to increase sustainability in its educational improvement projects.
“This awarded contract is a testament to our ability to leverage Turner’s expertise across the business unit and entire company,” Turner Preconstruction Manager Valerie Donahue said in the news release from Turner. “A very special thank you goes out to our many local, national and regional experts who were instrumental in helping us win this very important project for Yale and Turner.”
Turner announced that, following its preconstruction work, it will commence actual construction in the summer of 2023, with an end date projected for sometime in 2027.